A message from the producers

Feel free to browse through the Literiture "haven't-started" blog.
As you can see, it's either "haven't-started" or incomplete, so tag whatever you want at the chat box.
Produced by: Jun Hao(16), Jin Rong(25), Malcolm(26), Md.Faris(29), Jia Hui(34)and Rizky(35).

Together, we form the Ministry of playgroundyomamma(MOPY).

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Our second meeting

On the second day of our meeting in Faris's house, we managed to complete part of the 3D model on the styrofoam board. We painted a "river" which resembles the river in the novel-based movie "Bridge To Terabithia" and planned the model beforehand on Faris's whiteboard. As shown on the "blue-print", a slide connected to a tree-house in the middle of the indoor playground. The tree-house is meant to be clumsily made so as to give an impression of the old tree-house that Jess and Leslie created in the woods to serve as a castle.
We also included pictures related to what we did, including break time. We also ate, and ate, and ate, and ate..... We also brainstormed and brainstormed, and brainstormed, and brainstormed, and brainstormed, and brainstormed..... We also researched some facts about children with non-contagious terminal illnesses. We also used eco-friendly materials such as old newspapers, styrofoam, clean used-satay sticks, toothpicks for the ladder steps and more.
We also had time to have our tea-time break; nuggets, fries and sliced hotdogs grilled the old fashion way! So after tea, we started blogging and typing these exact words:
On the second day of our meeting in Faris's house, we managed to complete part of the 3D model on the styrofoam board. We painted a "river" which resembles the river in the novel-based.... Just kidding!
(This little guy's been trying to help out, but was rejected by the Ministry of playground_yomamma)

Anyway, that is all we can say for now, but we will still post more about our results. So, keep checking!

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