A message from the producers

Feel free to browse through the Literiture "haven't-started" blog.
As you can see, it's either "haven't-started" or incomplete, so tag whatever you want at the chat box.
Produced by: Jun Hao(16), Jin Rong(25), Malcolm(26), Md.Faris(29), Jia Hui(34)and Rizky(35).

Together, we form the Ministry of playgroundyomamma(MOPY).

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday

Today on the 24 of April, we had a final group meeting in front of the school library. Timothy wanted to tag along so we let him come along. Since the project was nearly done, we only needed half an hour to finish the work. We fixed the fence to block the plasticine balls from rolling out of the board with super-glue. We also erected a slide so as to give an expression of "hey, you're here to have fun, right?" to all the terminal diseased young children when they're here.
We also used things we had such as rubber bands, coloured dough, colourful ice-cream sticks and used my sister's green vanguard sheet to be the base of the styrofoam model. We used the luminous pins to show a lot of colours to give a sense of happiness and livelyness to the terminal diseased children.
F@R15 was here.

our 3d model so far

Monday, April 21, 2008

today we went to faris' house to do the model.
only 5 of us went.
me, malcolm, jin rong, faris and jia hui.
jun hao didn't come.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Faris's OEE

Name: Muhammad Faris Bin Iskander Siregar ( 29 )

Class: 2E5

Fill in the following and use the content/research/findings in your final group proposal for your Playground Project Blog.

Individual Reflections for Literature Mid-Year Project 2008
Sec 2 Express

Eco-friendly features about my group’s 3D-model
No natural resources wasted.
Rubber is reused from unused tires.
Rubber is used also to provide a safe environment for children below 6 years.

Remarks (e.g. materials to be used, relevant research with links, photograph links etc)
Most likely to use rubber, plastics reused from unwanted things.
People are also trying to come up with eco-friendly appliances to help us work but also trying to reduce pollution.

Playground designs/concepts that are linked to the novel
Swings are built to cross the river of plastic balls.
A tree house is built in the middle.

Explanation of how the designs/concepts are linked to the novel
In the novel and movie, Jess and Leslie have to swing through the ravine to get to Terabithia.
The tree house that was built by Jess and Leslie.

Playground designs/concepts that meet the special needs of the children
Slides, tree houses, a huge cage of plastic balls, and many other attractions for them to deeply enjoy.

Explanation of how the designs meet the special needs of the children
Children will enjoy the remaining time of their life in the playground, playing the organised games before their terminal illness occur.

Individual reflection for Literature mid-year project 2008

- Eco-friendy features about my group's 3D-model : Plastic balls that cushions kids when they are about to fall, reused rubber and no natural resources have been wasted.
- Remarks (e.g. materials to be used, relevant research with links, photograph link etc) : Plastic balls are colourful. safe and is attractive for kids to play with. Wood and metal will be used for the monkey bars and other features of the playground.
- Playground designs/concepts that are linked to the novel : There would be a swing that resembles the one in the novel, the pavement that resembles the bridge and there is also the river. These are all related to the novel.
- Explanation of how the designs/concepts are linked to the novel : The swing would resemble the one in which Jess and Leslie swung across to Terabithia. The river and bridge are both also in the novel.
- Playground designs/concepts that meet the special needs of the children : The bridge serves as an alternative for the swing for the kids. The playground will also have rubber to serve as a cushion for the kids.
- Explanation of how the designs meet the special needs pf the children : The bridge allows kids to just walk across the "river" instead of the "traditional" way of swinging. The rubber that serves as a cushion will maximize safety.

This is my individual reflection for the Literiture mid-year project 2008
(This is posted by Malcolm :))

Individual reflections for Literature Mid-Year project 2008

Eco-friendly features about my group’s 3D-model is that We used rubber as the material and reports has proved that waste tire can be reused and if it were to be burnt, it will cause pollution.Other material used include coloured balls which is attractive to children and is safe.Wood and metal will be used to form monkey bars or slides and playground.Playground designs/concepts that are linked to the novel are that Swings are built for children to cross a 'river'.Blue paint are also painted to represent the 'river'.Explanation of how the designs/concepts are linked to the novel is that Leslie and Jess had to cross a River to get to the other end.In the novel,swing was the main 'transport' to get across the river. The playground designs/concepts that meet the special needs of the children is that although this children are dying soon they deserve to have a fun and good life.There are swings,slides,monkey bars and many more things that children enjoy most.Coloured balls are safe for children. Explanation of how the designs meet the special needs of the children are that The main point is that this children have to have fun when they are still living.But,of course,children tend to get injured easily.Safety precaution have to be good as they might get injured.

In conclusion,these children deserve a very good and fun of their remaining life and our playground will be a suitable one for them!!!!


Jin Rong comment

i feel that the blog is good and the 3d model is going well.we have 6 weeks to do this project and our group had already designed the playground and we all agreed with the design.

Jin Rong

Monday, April 7, 2008

Malcolm's comment

So far, i felt that our group is doing pretty well with the literature blog and 3D model, but we need to improve on our group's working speed as we have to hand this project up in about two weeks time. we have done frequent blog posts and we have already satarted working on the 3D model as shown in the blog. As we are designing a playground for the terminally ill, we have to make the playground in a way to suit their needs. We have already have the idea about what to do and we also have to consider the 'Bridge to Terabithia' theme. We have a swing that Jess and Leslie swung over into the forest and a playground that looks like a castle and that is the theme of the project! Children will not have to worry so much about their safety as we will install benches to let parents look after their children when they are playing and the playground would be covered by balls which is not a threat to the children's safety. I also feel thet these children with terminal illness have to enjoy the remaining of their lives with fun!!!

bye bye!

Malcolm posted this :D

Junhao comment

Our group are doing on a project about literature which we had to do a blog,researching and also a 3D model of playground .We had 6 weeks to finish them.My group and I had already have a idea of what our playground will be like.Our playground also will be a suitable place for the children with terminal illness.It is also looks like the 'Bridge To Terabithia' as it has the 'treehouse' , 'river','swing'.It is not dangerous as it consist of 'coloured balls' and children will surely enjoy them.I think that these childrens have to enjoy the rest of their life and this playground will be a suitable one for them.Now, i hope that my group will speed up on doing finish the project.We all reserched and had done our part and we will be continuing to finish up the 3D model.Lastly, i hope that these terminally ill-ed children can loive as happily as other children for the rest of their life...


Terminal illness and why i choose the Kompan

The "Kompan" the KOMPAN NATURE line is suitable for children aged 2 to 12. All "Kompan" Nature play equipment is produced from FSC certified hardwood. They claim their wood comes from forests which have been assessed to be well managed according to strict environmental, social and economic guidelines.It also related to the theme The Bridge To Terabithia.As the Bridge to Terabithia happened in the woods, the "Kompan" uses wood as its building term.People who has terminal illness have
Fighting spirit,the person sees the illness as a challenge and has a positive attitude towards the outcome. People tend to seek information from various sources - cancer charities, local information centres, the internet - and make full use of the medical and alternative options available to them.

likes to avoid or deny that he or she has terminal illness. This appears to be a surprisingly useful way of coping unless it interferes with accepting treatment. It can be seen as a form of distraction which allows the person to get on with life positively. However, family and friends may find this hard to accept.

Fatalism,an attitude of passive acceptance is shown. Little effort is made to gather information or 'fight', however the person will trust the doctors and take up any treatments offered. This passive style may be frustrating for family and friends. However fatalism is a 'safe haven' and keeps darker and more difficult emotions at bay.

Helplessness and hopelessness,this can be a very distressing adjustment style for all involved. All seems black, survival impossible, and the threat overwhelming. The person 'gives up' and all efforts to cajole them from this negative stance fail. The helpless and hopeless feelings often transfer to those around them, leading to an air of depression. Professional help may be needed.

Anxious preoccupation,constant reassurance is required. Huge amounts of time are spent worrying about the cancer. Any physical symptom is immediately assumed to be a further manifestation of the disease. Excessive information-seeking - particularly on the internet - feeds the anxiety, which at times can be overwhelming and lead to panic. Constant companionship is often required and family and friends find it hard to leave the person alone even for short periods. Waiting for test results and appointments can be intolerable and should be avoided whenever possible. Counselling and teaching of relaxation exercises can be useful.