A message from the producers

Feel free to browse through the Literiture "haven't-started" blog.
As you can see, it's either "haven't-started" or incomplete, so tag whatever you want at the chat box.
Produced by: Jun Hao(16), Jin Rong(25), Malcolm(26), Md.Faris(29), Jia Hui(34)and Rizky(35).

Together, we form the Ministry of playgroundyomamma(MOPY).

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday

Today on the 24 of April, we had a final group meeting in front of the school library. Timothy wanted to tag along so we let him come along. Since the project was nearly done, we only needed half an hour to finish the work. We fixed the fence to block the plasticine balls from rolling out of the board with super-glue. We also erected a slide so as to give an expression of "hey, you're here to have fun, right?" to all the terminal diseased young children when they're here.
We also used things we had such as rubber bands, coloured dough, colourful ice-cream sticks and used my sister's green vanguard sheet to be the base of the styrofoam model. We used the luminous pins to show a lot of colours to give a sense of happiness and livelyness to the terminal diseased children.
F@R15 was here.

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