A message from the producers

Feel free to browse through the Literiture "haven't-started" blog.
As you can see, it's either "haven't-started" or incomplete, so tag whatever you want at the chat box.
Produced by: Jun Hao(16), Jin Rong(25), Malcolm(26), Md.Faris(29), Jia Hui(34)and Rizky(35).

Together, we form the Ministry of playgroundyomamma(MOPY).

Monday, April 14, 2008

Individual reflections for Literature Mid-Year project 2008

Eco-friendly features about my group’s 3D-model is that We used rubber as the material and reports has proved that waste tire can be reused and if it were to be burnt, it will cause pollution.Other material used include coloured balls which is attractive to children and is safe.Wood and metal will be used to form monkey bars or slides and playground.Playground designs/concepts that are linked to the novel are that Swings are built for children to cross a 'river'.Blue paint are also painted to represent the 'river'.Explanation of how the designs/concepts are linked to the novel is that Leslie and Jess had to cross a River to get to the other end.In the novel,swing was the main 'transport' to get across the river. The playground designs/concepts that meet the special needs of the children is that although this children are dying soon they deserve to have a fun and good life.There are swings,slides,monkey bars and many more things that children enjoy most.Coloured balls are safe for children. Explanation of how the designs meet the special needs of the children are that The main point is that this children have to have fun when they are still living.But,of course,children tend to get injured easily.Safety precaution have to be good as they might get injured.

In conclusion,these children deserve a very good and fun of their remaining life and our playground will be a suitable one for them!!!!


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