A message from the producers

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Produced by: Jun Hao(16), Jin Rong(25), Malcolm(26), Md.Faris(29), Jia Hui(34)and Rizky(35).

Together, we form the Ministry of playgroundyomamma(MOPY).

Monday, June 30, 2008

Letter to MP - Malcolm Lee

390 Tampines Street 21
Singapore 529400


Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister of National Development
Member of Tampines GRC

Feedback on ways to improve playgrounds in Tampines

Dear Mr Mah Bow Tan,

Hello, my name is Malcolm Lee Jia Ler from Pasir Ris Secondary School. Tampines has been a great living environment for people to live and play in. Under your expert leadership and management, the environment of Tampines has improved greatly. Recently, I was involved in a project to help build a playground for children with disabilities. My group was selected to build a playground for children with terminal illnesses such as cancer.

Almost all the playgrounds in the area of Tampines do not cater to the needs of these children with terminal illnesses. In order to let the children feel relaxed, a rope could be added to the playground so the children can swing around. It can represent a route to freedom. It will help them feel less stress as they are having fun. You can also have a long slide so they will feel excitement and forget about their illnesses. This way, they can release their tension by screaming, instead of keeping everything inside. A pit of balls can also be added to the playground so the kids can jump in and have fun. By having fun, they can forget about all their troubles.I sincerely thank you for taking time to read and consider my suggestions. I hope you take some action in making Tampines a more conventional and fun place to be.

Yours sincerely,
Malcolm Lee
Student of Pasir Ris Secondary School

Jin Rong's Feedback to MBT

Dear Minister Mah Bow Tan,

Hello my name is Liu Jin Rong from Pasir Ris secondary my purpose of writing this letter is to give suggestions to improve the playground in Tampines . Tampines is a great living environment for the residents due to your expert leadership skil1s. Tampines has become an attraction for tourist and shoppers. However, due to your busy schedule you have neglected on the playgrounds for the kids to play.

Our group is doing a children with terminal illness playground and so we have created a 3d model using reclycled materials. Playgrounds are used by children and also for children to have fun and spend their time. Playgrounds are also near our homes so is very convenient for children to go to. However there are more spaces for improvement as some of the materials are vandalisms. Some of the designs are also unattractive and so not attract the attention of children.

There should a1so be more shades in case the children feel too hot because of the weather if not they might get a heat stroke. It can also make the playground more enjoyable for children to play.The colours of the playground should also be catchy so more children would be interested.

I am aware that you are busy and I thank you for reading my proposal to improve the playground in Tampines.

Yours Sincerely,
Jin Rong

Faris' Feedback to MBT.

Feedback about playgrounds in Tampines

Dear Mr Mah Bow Tan,

I am Muhammad Fais Bin Iskander Siregar, a student of Pasir Ris Secondary School from class 2E5. I am involved in a project about building a playground for children who have terminal illnesses. What I am writing to you is regarding the playgrounds located within Tampines.

You are a highly respected man due to the progress that Tampines has made. Under your expert leadership, Tampines has its own Junior College, Temasek Polytechnic, many primary and secondary schools and many other educational centres that are important for our future.

I am about to show you a brief explanation about my group’s project. We are supposed to design a playground meant for children with special needs. We are given options to choose which kind of children we want to build our playground for. So, our group chose the term “terminal illnesses”. Right now, we have already researched on that and built our 3D models.

This led me to reflect on the playgrounds we have. What inspired me to do that is the fact that it would be more fun to play in our playground than those we have in our neighbourhood.

In my opinion, our playgrounds within Tampines are a bit boring as most of the playgrounds are very similar to one another. If we were to compare the playgrounds around Tampines with our 3D model, our #D model of our playground looks more colourful and more exciting with the swings and plastic balls pool.

I would suggest that we build more exciting facilities for the playground, such as plastic balls arenas, swings, a fitness corner for each playground, areas for a group of children to play their own games such as catching, police & thief, dog and bone and fire and ice. That way, children of all ages can interact and socialize with one another.

I hope you will consider my proposal.

Yours sincerely,

Letter to Mp-Rizky Nugraha

Pasir Ris Secondary School
390 Tampines Street 21
Singapore 529400

1st July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister of National Development
Member of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr Mah Bow Tan,

Upgrading of playground facilities

Tampines has been a great neighbourhood under your supervision. The playgrounds in the neighbourhood are also colourful and attractive and I’m sure the young children of Tampines enjoy them.
I am writing this letter to you to suggest some things that can be done to improve the playgrounds.

My group members and I have come out with a playground that we had created for our literature project. Our playground is specially design for children with terminal illnesses. We have found out that these children can not really enjoy live because of their illness. All children need to have fun because when you are a child, it’s the best time to have fun. We had also done a 3d model of our playground.

We lack this kind of special playgrounds designed for them in the neighbourhood. In fact I do not really think there are these kind of playgrounds in our neighbourhood or the whole of Singapore.

The current playground can be further developed. You can build playgrounds for these children or you can upgrade the current playground so that it is more suitable for these children. The playground that my group had made did not really cost that much as expectation. Our 3d model was build with eco friendly materials only and they too did not cost much. We also did not need to spent alot.

I know that you are trying your best to improve the playgrounds in our neighbourhood. Thank you Mr Tan for taking your time of your busy schedule to read my proposal and consider it.

Yours sincerely,
Rizky Nugraha Farandy

Feedback about playground in tampines, letter to the Minister of National Development

Dear Mr Mah Bow Tan,

Feedback about playground in tampines, letter to the Minister of National Development
I am Pang Jia Hui from Pasir Ris Secondary School from class 2E5. I am from group 1 and i am writing this letter to you what my project was about and my findings (briefly), how this led me to reflect on the playgrounds in my neighborhood, my feedback about playgrounds in Tampines and suggestions on how they can be improved. Under your expert leadership, tampines has became a well known area in Singapore. The residents living in this area are pleased with all the facilities here. I am sure we are going to soar to greater heights under your care. You are a highly respected man due to the progress Tampines has made.

I am going to briefly explain about what my project is about. My playground is on children with terminal illnesses. The project that we were doing has to be eco-friendly. We only made a smaller 3-D model of our project. Through our findings, we found out that children with terminal illnesses feels very helpless and hopeless.

As you know, Tampines has been here for a long time and some of the older facilities are getting old and in poor condition. Some of these facilities include the playgrounds for children and adults alike. The equipments are which has metal parts are very rusty and the plastic parts are being. You can add more equipments like the swing as it is very popular. Even I love playing with the swing. You may also want make the metal parts of the swing rust-proof as it may rust after the rain. I hope you will consider my proposal to make Tampines a happier place to for the children to play.
Yours faithfully,
Pang Jia Hui